D3.7 Implementation Report

This is the final deliverable in the Service Description, Discovery and Orchestration work package of PII. This document reports on the extensive implementation efforts realized in WP3 delivering a functional Teagle framework.
In particular, this document serves as the implementation report and, together with the PII WIKI (http://trac.panlab.net/trac/), as documentation for the Teagle prototype. The document lists the details around the Teagle framework implementation that consists of several internal components, e.g. the Portal, the Repository, the Orchestration Engine and others.
Overall, the implementation of a feature-rich Teagle framework was delivered in a reasonable timeframe supporting the other project work packages such as WP5 and WP1.

D4.2 Monitoring requirements and procedures for service level agreement compliance

D4.2 is the second deliverable produced from the Quality Assurance work package of PII.
This deliverable comprises the functional specification of Panlab’s quality assurance framework and is part II in a series of three documents produced by WP4 specifying metrics and processes for quality assurance in the PII framework.
This document defines architectural extensions for technical contract assurance and covers metrics for resource assessment, ITIL based processes for IT management in Panlab, security policies for testbed providers and quality management for business development for the Panlab federation.

D3.2 Testbed Service Description Specification

Deliverable 3.2 Testbed Service Description Specification comprises of the specification of the service description system and is part of the specification of Teagle.
It breaks down the requirements from Task 3.1 into technical requirements for the specification of the testbed services description system. The specification will be linked closely with the architecture work developed in task T2.1. Develop an advanced service description system based on the requirements and the specification. Implement the core functionalities of the description system.

D3.1r Revised System Analysis

This deliverable is a revised list of the Panlab Community testbeds that form the surrounding ecosystem and represent the potential Panlab Partner testbeds.
Furthermore, resources from those testbeds that provide components for the September 2009
demonstration are described with the technical means (UML) used by the Teagle components.

D3.1 System Analysis Report

This deliverable (D3.1 System Analysis Report) is the first to be produced from the Service Description, Discovery and Orchestration work package of PII.
The project Pan European Laboratory Infrastructure Implementation (PII) addresses the need for large-scale testing facilities in the communications area by implementing an infrastructure for federating testbeds among innovations clusters. It builds upon the Panlab Specific Support Action which received funding by the European Commission’s Sixth Framework Programme. This document analyses the existing testbeds hosted by PII partner organizations. These testbeds are the foundation of the PII federation and represent the available infrastructure.