4th PII Plenary Project Meeting Heidelberg – 17th to 19th March 2009

The fourth plenary meeting was hosted by Eurescom GmbH, which is located in the historic city of Heidelberg, German.

PII partners enjoying the tour of Heidelberg

The meeting was well attended by the partners of PII and during the three days the following major items were presented and discussed:
• Tutorial on the IaaS Framework presented by Mathieu Lemay (CEO Inocybe Technologies)
• Meetings of the individual work packages (WP1, WP2, WP3 and WP4) to report on the work done, address issues and plan future work.
• Joint work package meetings between WP1/WP4, WP2/WP3 and WP2/WP4 to coordinate the efforts of these work packages.
Integration meetings were planned for WP2 and WP3 and the next plenary meeting was scheduled for June to be located in Madrid.
The social event was a very interesting tour of the beautiful historical city of Heidelberg.