D3.2 Testbed Service Description Specification

Deliverable 3.2 Testbed Service Description Specification comprises of the specification of the service description system and is part of the specification of Teagle.
It breaks down the requirements from Task 3.1 into technical requirements for the specification of the testbed services description system. The specification will be linked closely with the architecture work developed in task T2.1. Develop an advanced service description system based on the requirements and the specification. Implement the core functionalities of the description system.

D3.1r Revised System Analysis

This deliverable is a revised list of the Panlab Community testbeds that form the surrounding ecosystem and represent the potential Panlab Partner testbeds.
Furthermore, resources from those testbeds that provide components for the September 2009
demonstration are described with the technical means (UML) used by the Teagle components.